All Good Things

It’s as they say, all good things must come to an end. We finished our walk that seemed like it would go on forever. We made it to Santiago a little earlier than we had intended. We skipped a few days throughout the trip which made us end 4 days before schedule, I think.

I’m still processing it all. I can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that it’s over, we did it, it’s done and there aren’t any more arrows to follow in life. I’ve never been happier to not follow a trail or go in a set direction. What better place to go without any direction than Paris, France? No where.

No pictures to post, no stories to tell, just writing to say that we’ve finished. An amazing experience under my belt and I’m feeling extremely thankful.

Almost There!!

If I had unlimited time, energy and wifi I would love to sit and type out all of the great stories and people we’ve encountered.  However, I have a very limited amount of all three of those things.  Our wifi is awful and I’m happily exhausted by the end of our days.

We’re trying to really soak up our last couple days here. We are also definitely excited the walking is soon coming to an end. Our feet are achy and we have rashes from our back packs, but we’re feeling like two extremely lucky ladies. We have no room for complaints here. I just need to not dabble too far into the thoughts of “what kind of bug is that crawling next to my pillow?” And just hope that he’s walking the Camino alone.

Good thing you don’t need wifi to take pictures.  I have been finding the time to take way too many pictures of everything, per usual.  I really hope I stay this way forever, always finding the time to take the pictures that I do.

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This picture was from the top of Cruz de Ferro.  Cruz de Ferro is an iron cross placed at the top of the highest point on the Camino.  It’s a really tall cross on top of a pile of rocks that pilgrims leave.  The tradition is that you carry a rock with you symbolizing all that weighs heavy on you, your regrets, sins, guilt, trauma, pain, loss, grief… you name it, you leave it.  This was my view looking down at all the rocks everyone had left.  The writing on the street reads, “Don’t be afraid.”  I had to sort of distort the colors of the picture to really see the coloring of the writing.

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We are less than 100 km from Santiago. It’s starting to sink in what an accomplishment we’ve are in the midst of. The closer we get to finishing, the more excited we get and the more proud we feel. My back pack seems lighter, my blister has healed, the days seem warmer and we’re taking more time to stop and smell the roses.